Penn LENS 2024

This year the Penn LENS (Laboratory Experiences in Natural Sciences) program for rising juniors and seniors in Philadelphia public and charter schools completed its 10th year. Twelve students from eight schools participated in laboratory research in an intensive five-week program. Six of the nine labs that took on students were in the biology department. Biology students researched corals, plant symbionts, epigenetic regulators and more. Students in chemistry labs investigated proteins, hydrogen bonding strength and the separation of rare earth elements and lanthanides. Outside of their labs, students learned about the college experience and potential STEM careers from Penn undergraduates in the FERBS program and Penn LENS alumni. Individual pathways into STEM research were shared through experiences with professors, grad students and even a trip to Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The program concluded with two days of presentations that showed off the talents of all the future scientists.

"LENS 2024 students"
Dr. Kim Gallagher and LENS 2024 students